Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Patience for the journey.....

I have to admit that growing up I loved winter because that meant that the holidays were coming up and I LOVE the holidays.  Unfortunately I am not looking forward to this winter at all. I am still looking forward to the holidays but because our business slows down to nothing means that we have hardly any money coming in.  Pastor talked about miracles this Sunday and I have to admit that it is going to have to be a God thing to get us through the winter this year.  I am not writing this to get any pity or anything else. I am hoping to be able to look back on this post and have it be a answer to prayer that God did get us through the winter and then some. 

There is a update on the adoption, we are still trying to raise money for the adoption to get started. The update however is the burden I feel with how family members are handling the fact that we are going to adopt from Uganda.  They say they are ok with it but I can tell from the comments that they think we are making a stupid decision to bring children home from a different country, especially Africa.  I know that I shouldn't care what they think but because it is family it makes me mad and scared.  I don't want our kids to come from a hardship of poverty, death and loss to a new family of unloving, uncaring, complacent people in their lives.  I am scared that I will loose these people in my life because we are choosing to adopt from Africa.  In the end I dont want to go against what I feel like God is calling us to do.  I feel with all my heart that this is just the beginning of adopting for us.

Please pray for peace and wisdom

MY PRAYER:  Thank you Jesus for all you do for us, I know we dont understand your path and I pray that you give us patience for the journey.

Thank you for all of you that have been praying for us. I know we have a good support system through our friends and I thank God for every one of you.

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