Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The little things

It is amazing when something huge and scary happens everything else just doesn't matter.  Today we had a scare with Kaden.  It is a story that I am happy to say ended with a happy ending.

The kids and I were at the church and they were playing in the courtyard.  I hadn't seen Kaden for a while and asked the kids were he was.  One of them said that they had seen him walking toward the open gate heading to the parking lot.  With that news I stood up and started to head toward the parking lot to find him.  I went around the building and couldn't find him, all the while calling his name.  I started to head the other direction to see if he went toward the street, by this time I am completely freaking out.  I am calling his name like a crazy lady and balling my eyes out.  There is no other feeling like thinking that someone might have taken your baby or he got lost and is really scared.  

The people that I was eating lunch with were helping me look as well as some people who had been at the church.  I am still screaming and praying to God to not let this happen to my baby.  Someone then suggests that I look in the building for him.  I go inside but inside in almost completely dark and can't help but think that he wouldn't go in there with how dark it was.  I turn around and headed back outside.......when I get out there B is holding Kaden.....Kaden is rubbing his eyes and looking at me like WHAT!  I grabbed him and wouldn't let go, he started to whine because I was holding him soooo tight.  I then ask B were he was..... and wouldn't you know it HE WAS ASLEEP!! He had fallen asleep on the slide that is also a tunnel. I didn't even think to look in the playground.

That happened earlier today and I have to say that since this afternoon the little things have really been put into perspective. God had that situation in His hands but there will be times that scary moment will come and last longer than we would like.  We have to remember that God still has us in His hands whether or not the moment passes or lasts for years. 

I love you Kaden Joseph and mommy is glad that you are safe and sound.


  1. oh, goodness. so scary. i know this feeling. we briefly had this happen once with our now 6 year old. terrifying.

    wanted to let you know that i'm here from linny's and will pray for your adoption!
