Friday, October 1, 2010

On Etsy

I love that there are people now reading my blog. I spend most of the day trying to figure out how Etsy works. Etsy is a sight that you can sell homemade items.  I am posting some items on there to try and start raising money for the adoption.  Right now I only have hats on the there, but there will be jewelry to come. 

It is amazing what you learn about computers when you spend hours on them.  I tell you it is not my thing but I know that I need to do what it takes to get the word out about the adoption and raise these funds. Plus I have had these hats for a little bit now and need to sell them.

I know that many of you will not be willing to help out financially and that is ok.  I need prayer warriors too. If you would like to be a prayer warrior for me here are the things you can start praying for:

Pray for our baby that they will be protected during the waiting period
Pray that the funds come in for the adoption
Pray that the adoption goes smoothly
Pray that we get a good lawyer

Here are some pictures of the hats

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